Public Health



Public Health Careers 

Students will get an introduction of public health and how it connects all individuals. Students will also be introduced to the potential careers within the field and the education required for this field. Students will be able to participate in an outbreak activity and think like public health educators to solve issues. 

  1. Define what public health is. 

  2.  Learn about the levels of education needed to pursue a career in public health. 

  3.  Learn about different public health careers. 

  4.  Learn where public health professionals work.    


Activity Options

ACTIVITY ONE: Health Maps - Outbreaks Near Me

 Follow Link:    

Use map to zoom into communities across the world and track current reported outbreaks (Respiratory, animal, vector-borne, gastrointestinal, skin/rash, MRSA, Neuro and others) as well as local news.   

Individuals like epidemiologists, research analysts and community health workers help to compile data to show the health of communities and areas of need.  

ACTIVITY TWO: Outbreak Interactive Game 

Link to game:  

Use the clues to answer the questions and try to solve the puzzle.   

Can work as a whole class to try and solve each puzzle or in small groups or individually