Zip Codes & Health Outcomes



Zip Codes and Health Outcomes 

This lesson goes over the correlation between zip codes and a person’s health outcome  

  1. Learn about which neighborhoods are more susceptible to more health issues. 

  2. Learn about the correlation between zip code and a person's insurance.  

  3. Being more informed on the area a person lives in can affect their future health decisions.   


Activity Options


After reviewing the articles under resources - Group Discussion on the articles using the following questions:   

1) Have you seen health disparity in your neighborhood? If you have, where and how have you seen it?   

2) Any surprising information learned from the articles?  

3) How can you use this information to help better your community and other communities  near you?   

4) What is something you would like to learn more about on this topic?   

ACTIVITY TWO: Census and Zip Codes 

Comparing Different Zip Codes Worksheet 

ACTIVITY THREEA Tale of Two Zip Codes 5 min 

 After watching the video, using a piece of paper, draw what one would think would be in an ideal zip code.  Make sure to consider all aspects of life:  food, shelter, social, education, exercise, health, etc.  After drawing the ideal zip code, share in class. 

ACTIVITY FOUR: Why Zip Codes Say More about Your Health than Genetic Code 

Dr. Tony Iton – Why Zip Code Says More About Your Health Than Genetic Code 58 min (Suggest using Change the  odds for health | Anthony Iton | TEDxSanFrancisco - same speaker only 17 min - social compact) 

Quiz -  Complete the quiz after watching Dr. Iron’s talk on health outcomes and zip codes.